Welcome! Sit back and rest a while! You can find out why we're here in my first post. Please feel free to comment :)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

New beginnings!

In the process of dusting off long-forgotten portions of my life, trying to rediscover the corners of myself that have been in the shadows for far too long, I stumbled upon this blog. At first glance, I thought it was time to start over - afterall, the mom that started this blog only had one baby! She hadn't bought a house, birthed a second child, survived post partum depression, homebirthed a third child, or made an entirely new and wonderful support network in her new home. How could what I'd written before all of that life lived possibly connect to my current surroundings?

I drafted a new blog post, welcoming my readers into my new life as a professional not-perfect-at-momming mom. Then, just for fun, I decided to re-read my first post on this blog.

It was eerily like looking in the mirror but seeing a younger version of myself. I even phrased many things the exact same way. I decided to re-read the rest of my previous posts, which led me to where you and I are sitting right now. Not only does the progression fit, but I even found myself gaining inspiration from my past-self!

It might be messy and unpredictable. It might not follow a schedule, and it will likely not involve Pinterest. But you're always welcome to sit and stay a while. Let's rediscover our love of a relaxing cup of tea together!